
Competition Reporter

Get automated reports of your competitors' most important updates, from pricing changes to product launches, filtered to your needs.

Stay ahead of your competition without the manual work of constant monitoring. The Competition Reporter uses advanced AI to track and analyze your competitors' digital footprint across their websites and social media presence. This intelligent agent automatically collects and processes updates about: - Pricing changes and strategy shifts - Product launches and feature updates - Marketing campaigns and messaging - Customer testimonials and reviews - Social media activity and engagement What sets this tool apart is its ability to filter information based on your specific needs. You define the areas of interest, and the AI will only alert you to relevant changes. This means no more information overload – just actionable competitive intelligence delivered weekly. Perfect for: - SaaS companies monitoring competitor pricing and features - Marketing teams tracking competitive positioning - Product managers staying updated on market innovations - Business analysts conducting market research The Competition Reporter doesn't just collect data – it analyzes it. Each report includes context about why the changes matter and potential implications for your business. This turns raw information into actionable insights you can use to make strategic decisions.

This is just one of the many repetitive tasks we automate.

Sign up for free and start exploring the hundreds of templates we have available.

Getting started

Step 1


List Your Competitors

List the competitors you want to monitor, including their websites and social media profiles.

Step 2


Set Your Focus Areas

Specify which aspects of competitor activity matter most to you (pricing, features, marketing, etc.).

Step 3


Configure Report Settings

Choose your report frequency and importance thresholds for notifications.

Step 4


Review Your First Report

Receive your initial competitive intelligence report and adjust settings as needed.